Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gone Fishin'

If you know my dad, you know that he cannot wait to get Hunter out fishing on his boat. So I was not surprised when he got Hunter a Diego fishing pole and life jacket. I'm not sure that Hunter "got" the fishing pole, but he sure did love going out on the boat!

Matt's Villanova Graduation

Matt graduated from Villanova Law School and we couldn't be more proud of him! (It's always nice to have a lawyer in the family)

Hunter's First Phillies Game!

Every year, the Phillies have a Youth Baseball Day for NJ/PA baseball players where they have a parade on the field before a game. Alex's team has participated for a few years now, so we get tickets for super cheap. Unfortunately, the tickets were in the nosebleed section this year, but we still had a blast! Hunter thoroughly enjoyed his first game! He lasted a full 9 innings, cheered for the Phils (and Rauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul!), and got the certificate for his first game.

First Trip Down the Shore 2009

Being that we now live about 40 minutes from LBI, we will be making many trips down the shore this summer. It was a beautiful day, so we went down to Beach Haven to find a house for our summer vacation and to show Hunter the beach. He was pretty young last year and wasn't really too keen on the sand and surf, but he sure does love it now! I was able to take some great beach pics:

Easter 2009

Easter was so much fun this year! Hunter was very excited for the Easter Bunny to come, after I constantly reminded him so during the entire week. We dyed eggs, and Hunter's fingers, made cake pops, and had dinner at Aunt Tina's with the entire family. Hunter even got in on some egg hunt action, one at my mom's and one at Aunt Tina's. He needs practice now, since he has some big shoes to fill after I retired my Egg Hunt Skills.