Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at Gigi's

We went to my mom's on Christmas Day and Hunter got a TON of presents!!!

My mom got him a wagon full of presents:

Hunter also lost his pants in the process:

Getting a little crabby:

Hunter's gift from Aunt CeeCee aka Yaya

A Muno Doll!!!! (the same size as Hunter!)

This gift was the big winner this year!

A front view - Chelsea made this herself!

Going for a ride in his wagon:

Christmas Morning

This year Christmas Morning was so much fun!

Hunter found his Brobee in his stocking:

And held onto him for most of the morning:

Elmo Slippers!!!

Getting the hang of opening presents:


What's this?

ELMO! (Love this face!)

So excited about his presents!

Pop Pop and Nonna came over with presents too:

Hunter had fun with the box to his new kitchen while Derek set it up:

Christmas Eve

Every Christmas Eve, we go to Phil & Michelle's to celebrate with my dad, Lee and all of the Tunneys. This year was a special treat because Santa showed up! Hunter was not very excited, terrified to be exact, but it was still a fun time!

Hunter and Nanny

Santa makes his appearance:

Hunter did not like it:

And of course Santa came right up to Hunter first:

Trying to sit him on Santa's lap. Will a lollipop convince him?


Dee, Lee and Michelle on Santa's Lap:

Of course my dad had to get in on the action:

Santa makes his exit:

Hunter and Jeff the Elf:

Hunter and Pop Pop:

Opening his gift from Pop Pop and Nanny:

Wow, a box to lay on?

He thinks he's so funny! Thanks for the easel!

Hunter was delirious at this point so he was rockin his sunglasses with his hat!

He Wants to be Just Like Daddy!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008